23rd Annual 'Good Faith Walk' To Hit Whitman Track

The crowd at the 2016 Good Faith Walk. (Long Islander News photo/archives)

What began as a confirmation project has blossomed into a 23-year tradition that hits the track outside Walt Whitman High School each Good Friday.

The Good Faith Walk, founded years ago by the seventh grade class of Ginger Hoernig, raises money each year local charities.

This year's walk, slated for March 30, 12 noon at the 301 West Hills Road high school in Huntington Station, is raising money for three causes: St. Hugh of Lincoln Parish Outreach; Stand Up for Suzanne; and Makenzie Cadmus Special Needs Trust.

The parish outreach at St. High, which is located on East 9th Street in Huntington Station, feeds and clothes the needy within the local community.

Meanwhile, Stand Up for Suzanne is a nonprofit founded in the memory or Suzanne Shea, a South Huntington mother-of-two who fought a long and courageous battle with breast cancer but succumbed in 2013. Her sisters and friends founded the nonprofit to support breast cancer research at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. For more information, visit Standupforsuzanne.org.

The Makenzie Cadmus Special Needs Trust supports Makenzie a 2-year-old who has been diagnosed with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, a disease that makes her skin as fragile as that of a butterfly's wing. For more information, visit Helpmakenzie.com.

Cash or check donations can be brought to the walk in an envelope marked "Good Faith Walk" -- Hoernig asks that those who donate also print their name, phone number and email address on the front of the envelope.

The walk lasts around 45 minutes.

Those unable to attend can still donate by writing a check to the payee of one's choice and mailing it to Hoernig at 4 Chambers Court, Huntington Station, New York 11746.