Vote On $39.8M Bond Slated For Feb. 28

Residents within the Northport-East Northport School District are expected to hit the polls next Tuesday to cast their say in the district’s proposed $39.8 million bond referendum that would pave the way for improvements to several district facilities.

Led by John A Grillo Architects, improvements would include K-12 lavatory renovations; classroom and gymnasium upgrades; masonry repair; window and ceiling renovations; mechanical upgrades; improvements to heating, cooling and ventilation; and athletic and physical education field renovations.

Northport High School will be the most expensive part of the project, with a total cost of $16.04 million which includes asphalt work, upgrades to athletic fields, and reconstruction of main stadium, track and Sweeney Field.

The proposed five-year improvement plan would increase monthly taxes by around $10.20-$13.43, according to figures provided by district officials.

Polls will open Feb. 28, 6 a.m.-9 p.m. in the three election districts. For election district one, polls will open at Fifth Avenue School; for election district two polls are at Dickinson Avenue School; and for election district three polls are at William J. Brosnan School.