Leg Lamp Lighting Gets New Home
/By Jano Tantongco
The annual leg lamp-lighting ceremony in Northport has a new home this year in Carl’s Candies.
The annual Northport Leg Lamp Lighting event isn’t cancelled, it’s just found a new home.
This year’s ceremony, which includes the lighting of the leg lamp featured in 1983 film “A Christmas Story,” will be held Saturday, Nov. 26, 6 p.m. at the newly opened Carl’s Candies shop on Main Street in Northport village. Gina Nisi, co-owner of the shop, said she learned thisyear’s ceremony was cancelled and spoke with other local business owners to reorganize it.
Nisi said she partnered with Darin Parker, owner of Main Street Cafe, to host the ceremony. The candy shop will also host the Grinch on Friday, Nov. 25, 4-7 p.m., to celebrate the Tree Lighting ceremony in Northport Village.
Nisi and her sister, Angela Nisi-MacNeill, opened the shop, which is named after their grandfather, Carl Foglia, on Oct. 29. Foglia was known to some as the “unofficial mayor” of Northport, she said. He served as a the owner of a local butcher shop, a limousine driver and realtor.
Nisi added that they will decorate their shop windows to serve as the backdrop for the lamp, which will be displayed for all to admire. The event, which typically draws thousands to Northport Village, coincides with Small Business Saturday.
The leg lamp-lighting ceremony was previously held at Northport Hardware since 2005. But, the event was canceled this year after co-owner Jim Reichert decided the store could no longer host the event, according to a Newsday report