Young Poets’ Work Published
/Photos/Northport-East Northport School District
School librarian Linda Trott Dickman and publisher James P. Wagner with Norwood Avenue Elementary School students and their first published book “Apprentice Poets: Norwood Avenue School, Northport Edition.”
By Rachel Stanislawek
Fifteen talented and prideful members of Norwood Avenue Elementary School’s poetry club had their work published in their book titled, Apprentice Poets: Norwood Avenue School, Northport Edition. The book consists of 35 poems from the 15 club members, and artwork by third-grader and club member Paolo Greco, featured on the cover.
The club consists of students in third through fifth grade. Club members completed three eight-week sessions where they shared their newest work, and where they learned what it takes to get their work published, along with the many parts of a book. The poetry club was under the guidance of school librarian, Linda Trott Dickman and publisher, James P. Wagner from Local Gems Press.
Students read their poems aloud for all to hear at the launch.
“They all read like pros,” Dickman said. “The kids did such an amazing job, there weren’t just ‘cute’ poems, but heartfelt and intriguing things, too. The energy in the room was so high and wonderful that day, everyone was so supportive and full of pride.”
The book received an overwhelming amount of support from the community, over 70 members that attended the poet’s book launch, two of which were Suffolk County Poet Laureate Robert Savino and board member Donna McNaughton. The books were sold at $15 each at the launch, where profits were directed towards the school district’s Bards Poetry Scholarship.