Then And Now: A Stroll Through Cold Spring Harbor
/By Craig D’Andrea
This edition of the “Then and Now” photo series showcases archived and contemporary photos of Cold Spring Harbor’s most-iconic landmarks. This is a visual approach to compare original buildings and structures to what stands in their places today. The archived photos were obtained through both the Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Museum and the Huntington Historical Society.
St. John's Church
St. Johns Church
St. John’s Episcopal Church was the first religious institution to be established in Cold Spring Harbor. Although the construction commenced in 1835, the first services were held in a little 18th century schoolhouse just above the site of the present church. In 1950, the church was moved slightly to allow for additions. In a picture taken sometime after the church’s extensions, a frozen pond was used as a favorite skate spot for people of the community, as is showcased in the bottom portion of the blended photo, which was obtained from the Huntington Historical Society. In 2012, a major renovation took place to help refurbish the building. The top part blended photo showcases St. John’s church as it stands today.
Cold Spring Harbor Fire Department
This was the third firehouse built in Cold Spring Harbor in 1930 at 2 Main St., down the street from the original 1906 firehouse. These two photos show how the building changed over the years, with the front of it being renovated and a garage being added in 1970 to accommodate larger trucks. The added garage is seen on the left side of the building in the photo on the right. The historic photo was obtained from the Cold Spring Harbor Whaling museum.
Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Museum
In the mid-19th century, Cold Spring Harbor rose in prominence as a whaling village. Despite the decline of whaling in the 1860s, village residents founded the Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Museum in 1942 to help preserve that aspect of the community’s history. Pictured left are two children outside of the old whaling museum sometime before the building was extended. The historic photo was obtained from the Cold Spring Harbor Whaling museum. On the right, the 301 Main St. building is pictured as it stands today.
Post Office
The small building located across from the intersection of Main Street and Shore Road was once used as a post office, and western telegraph office. The old picture, which is blended with an up-to-date picture, was taken sometime around the turn of the 20th century. This historical hut was later used as a candy store and barbershop. Today, it stands as Vinny’s Barbershop and is dedicated to preserving the buildings original look. The historic photo was provided by the Huntington historical society.
Downstreet Bookstore
This house was built in the 1850s for Andrew Jackson Denton and his bride, Abigail Valentine. After her death in 1885, the downstairs was turned into a bakery, which was run by Maggie Brown who would rent upstairs rooms to local ministers. In 1960 the first and only bookstore opened there called the Downstreet Bookstore. The building still holds true to its historic past, and is now home to Cirrus health care products. A historic photo, which was provided by the Huntington Historical Society, is blended with a photo of the building as it stands today.