Abstract Artists Share Gallery Show
/Artist Kevin Larkin, on left with his painting The Death of Van Gogh, and fabric artist Nicolette Pach, on roght with her piece New from Old, are showing together at Huntington’s b.j. spoke gallery through May 26.
By Sophia Ricco
Artists Kevin Larkin and Nicolette Pach take viewers on two very different journeys of experimentation with solo exhibitions at b. j. spoke gallery until May 26.
The experienced creators have exhited at the gallery many times before. Larkin, the gallery’s president and Pach, a long-time member, are both thrilled to share their most recent works. Pach will feature an assortment of mediums, from fabric and textile to photography. Larkin has painted since the age five and feels it’s “ingrained in my DNA.”
“The common theme of my work is my process of painting,” Larkin said. “As opposed to having an idea for the images, while I’m working on the pieces, they lead me in a direction. I become more interested in how the painting will finally arrive, what language it will speak to me.”
Larkin builds his pieces through layers of painting with acrylics, giving them an oil-painting feel. At first he “warms up” the painting by putting the first few layers on, then feels he really gets started. Working on “The Death of Van Gogh,” Larkin spent months molding it to the ultimate form.
“I’m always experimenting,” Larkin said. “A painting could change drastically at the very last minute, it could become ‘A Walk in the Park’, instead of ‘The Death of Van Gogh’. I like taking chances and making them risky.”
Larkin’s process of editing and reworking forces him to find things within the painting that he questions. For this exhibit, Larkin utilized a new technique of collaging other works of art onto a few of his paintings.
“I figured out this was the vehicle that these particular pieces needed, to cause myself a little commotion,” Larkin said. “I don’t want to be comfortable when I’m working. I like to give myself trouble, how I resolve these problems is why I think the work is exciting.”
Fellow exhibitor Nicolette Pach shares the desire for pushing boundaries. She has been working with new processes for this exhibit, giving viewers a chance to view various materials like never before.
“I have been experimenting,” Nicolette Pach said. “I have manipulated fabric with heat, hot air and hot water. I have returned to slow stitching-embroidery and I have worked in three dimensions as well. I will be showing photos from my first foray into photography as art. All this results in a sort of an eclectic looking show demonstrating my continuing journey, enjoying the process of making art.”
Larkin and Pach debut solo exhibitions that will be on display until May 26 at b.j. spoke gallery. Artist reception will be held on Saturday, May 4, 6-9 p.m.