Celebrating Military's Most Decorated Dog
/“Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero” tells the story of how a stray who dog became a war hero during WWI. A screening of the film at Cinema Arts Centre on May 4 will benefit the American Legion posts and America’s VetDogs. Photo/Purple Heart Foundation
The story of America’s most decorated military dog is coming to the big screen next week at the Cinema Arts Centre in Huntington.
Huntington Councilwoman Joan Cergol spearheaded the screening of the animated film “Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero” to benefit the Town’s three American Legion Posts- Halesite Post 360, Northport Post 694 and Greenlawn Post 1244- and America’s VetDogs.
“I realized the film’s immense potential to raise funds for our Huntington veterans, and the programs the American Legion runs to benefit the community,” Cergol said.
Huntington Councilwoman Joan Cergol at the Huntington Animal Shelter with former stray Penelope.
The movie tells the story of Stubby, a stray rescued by a U.S. soldier training on the eve of World War I to be deployed to Europe. Stubby went on to save countless lives in the trenches of France and received a battlefield promotion to sergeant.
Tickets for the film cost $5 if purchased in advance or $7 at the door, and all proceeds go towards the American Legion and America’s VetDogs.
America’s Vetdogs trains and places service dogs with veterans who suffer from a variety of disabilities. VetDogs will be bringing one of its ambassador dogs to the Cinema Arts Centre for the event.
All three screens at the Cinema Arts Centre will be showing “Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero” on May 4. Doors open at 9 a.m. for the event, and the movie starts at 10 a.m.